Bob James
Kozmigroov Albums
Explosions [ESP, 1965]
Serpico (soundtrack) [Paramount, 1973]
One [CTI, 1974]
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The Serpico album is only really worth buying for one track, the supremely funky 'On The Streets'. Bob James takes the lead on this track and arranges the rest of the album, which is made up Mikis Theodorakis' Greek Bazouki music, which does nothing for me. Don't pay over the odds for it.
'One' features the cinematic jazz of 'Valley of the Shadows', a Schifrin-esque peice that is reminiscent of Dirty Harry. The bulk of the album has too much classical input for me, which prevents the Kozmic element coming through. Perhaps the best moment is the highly sampled 'Nautilis', which is both smooth and moody. Hip hop fans would recognise it from a thousand rap tunes.